Aftermarket Pump Parts and Components

Sekas Process Equipment's foundation is built upon 50 plus years of supplying high quality aftermarket pump parts and components to the industrial market. This is and will continue to be our flagship product group. We offer a range of products that are fully interchangeable with major OEM brand pumps such as Goulds, Warren, Worthington, Allis-Chalmers, Ingersoll Rand, Labour and many more. Our product offering includes impellers, shafts, sleeves, casings, rotating assemblies to name a few. We can also supply many of these parts in alternative alloys for superior wear and/or corrosion resistance.

Industrial Fans and Blowers

Sekas Process Equipment represents several high quality industrial fan and blower manufacturers such as American Fan (Howden), Buffalo Forge (Howden), AirPro, and Continental Fan. Whether it's high temperature, high static pressure, highly corrosive or all of the above, our diverse offering allows us to address practically any industrial air movement application. Learn more at the link below.

Specialty Equipment

Our Specialty Equipment offering includes pre-packaged or customized on-site, on-demand high purity nitrogen generators as well as customized chemical delivery systems for a range of industrial applications. We also offer water analysis equipment and ambient gas and flame detection systems that are fully customizable to meet your specific requirements. Visit the link below to learn more and request a quote.

Filtration Systems

Sekas Process Equipment can help you with your water or oil filtration needs. Representing top tier manufacturers like Oil Filtration Systems, which provides auxiliary oil purification systems such as vacuum dehydrators and varnish removal systems and Miller Leaman which is known for their unique Thompson Strainer, we are confident we can provide a solution to your filtration problems. We also have a rental program available through OFS. Call on us today to discuss your application.

Instrumentation Products

Through our Instrumentation Products Group, we can provide solutions for your process measurement needs. We have teamed with well respected manufacturers like Noshok Inc, Babbitt International, Precision Flow, Techline Manufacturing, TMS and S-Lok NA. We offer great delivery and pricing without sacrificing quality.

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